Durian Academy

About Us

About Durian Academy

Durian Academy aims to provide tuition and enrichment services to students from all socioeconomic backgrounds. We believe that spreading the joy of learning is more effective for improvement than chasing after results. We specialise in Chinese Language and Secondary School Mathematics.


Our Centre's Motto

Regardless of socio-economic backgrounds, we believe every child deserves an equal shot at excelling in school. 

Math Centre’s Motto

 "Everyone can Math".

“I am not a Math person.” We hear this all the time and we’ve had enough. Because this idea of being a math person or not becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and you will naturally do badly with that thought. So STOP dwelling on whether you are a math person or not, believe EVERYONE CAN MATH and make math exams a breeze with Durian Academy.

Chinese Centre’s Motto

” Learn and Ace Chinese with confidence ”