Ms Peh is a very approachable, friendly and encouraging teacher. Throughout my education journey in secondary school, she was the first math teacher that managed to change my perception that mathematics is a boring and tedious subject but rather help me appreciate the interesting side of this subject.
Her teaching method is easy to digest and understand, especially with the help of all the cheat sheets and notes that she gives.
I vividly remember not only her passion for teaching, but also her dedication to her students. She was always going the extra mile, forking out time to answer all the last minute questions we had before any exams, as well as giving us reminders to not make any common careless mistakes.
Even at times when I did not perform well in an exam, she always wrote words of encouragement on my test paper, spurring me on to do better.
She played a big part in helping achieve A1 and A2 in E-math and A-math respectively.